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Review by a reader- Testimonial

Scorpio Man Love, Lust, and ObsessionScorpio Man Love, Lust, and Obsession by Nikita Gharat
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I think she has described, the Scorpio man point blank. What I liked is the fact that she has elaborated the Scorpio stare.

She let's the girl in love with a Scorpio man distinguish between love and lust. It is true that Scorpio men are known for the loyalty but they can also be brutal heartbreakers. This book helps in finding out whether you are with a keeper or breaker. Also, there are additional chapters such as Scorpio man and eros signs, which help in knowing "what triggers the particular scorpio man".

The book has detailed insight, I loved reading it. Recommended for those in love with a Scorpio man and also for those who are Scorpio themselves.

View all my reviews

What Ganas and Yonis in Vedic Astrology Speak of Your Nature

Arjun represents Manushya Gan while Krishna represents Dev Gan In vedic astrology, in the Ashtakoota Matchmaking, many aspects are considered. Two of them are your Gana and Yoni. Gana means category while Yoni means sexual organ. However, it is essential to understand that nature or psychology is defined by these two which is actually that decides whether you are compatible or not. Also, if these two don't match it doesn't mean that you are incompatible with the other person. There are many other and deeper other aspects to consider. First, let's check what the Ganas actually mean and why they are compatible or non-compatible. Gana of a person tells his or her temperament. It is his default identity. His basic structure, therefore, Gana gets high points assigned against itself in Ashtakoota matchmaking. When Ganas are fully compatible then you can get whole 6 points therefore, you are left only with 12 more points to cover for passing the preliminary test. On th

8th House Synastry: When You Feel It Deeply and Madly!

When the 8th house is affected in synastry, you will feel the hit truly, madly  and deeply. However, the planet person may not know at all. Most of the times people don't understand that in synastry house overlays, the planet person is not affected. It is the house person who feels the energy of the planet. The same is applicable for the asteroids and points. The house person is the host while the planet person is the guest. Until unless it has any friend or enemy belonging to the planet person, there is no way the planet person will feel anything. That is why, unrequited love takes place. There are four sensitive points where planets in synastry can affect us deeply such as the ascendant (mind, personality), IC (soul and past lives), descendant (partnerships and open enemies) and MC (family name, public image and professional status). Nevertheless, there are other points that can be extremely personal such as 2nd house cusp (security needs), 5th house cusp (romance and pr

Transiting Pluto Conjunct Ascendant: Time For Plutonic Makeover

The time for a makeover. The time when Pluto approaches your descendant is the time to meet Plutonic partners. When he hits your ascendant, it's time for a Plutonic makeover. The deadly deeply passionate planet of rebirth and transformation appeals to you to bring out your best plutonic side. When you give up the old and the dead you, to embrace a new you that doesn't look like the previous one. The reason this time is personal. Someone challenging the go-getter, leader and winner inside you. Unlike the time when Pluto hits your descendant, your relationships or partners bring out a transformation in you. That transformation changes the way you look at relationships, making you hug a deeper and transformative relationship. But this time, you have to transform because the world will be a bad place to live in. You may have to bring out the mafia in you. It is also the time when you may go through a complete body makeover. If you were thin, you'll gain weight and vice ver

Pluto, Neptune and Chiron Transit: The Past Finds You Back

Most of my readers are extremely interested in my Pluto transiting the descendant article. Perhaps, that is the most deciding point in anyone's life. The time when your personality takes a complete makeover. When you change from yourself to a person that you feel is a complete stranger. At least that person is what you are or were not in the beginning. In a sense, Pluto brings out the shadow side out and turns you upside down. He kills you and then rebuilds you into a new person making you a magnet for all that karmic stuff that you read or watched but never believed in. Pluto and his three headed dog He is the dark hero of the gods, the most powerful having the kundalini or nuclear force at his command that can enlighten a cosmos or destroy it. However, water is another powerful force on this earth and hence, Neptune is the god that rules the most powerful element. When the cosmos was created life began in water. Therefore, as we call it, our ancestors were unicellular aqu

Neptune Transits and Past Life Love Connections and Spirit Lovers

The past life love connections go beyond one lifetime. Whether you believe it or not, Neptune isn't about illusions. The ruler of the 12th house of the Zodiac is about past life connections, shamanism, psychic clarity and much more than the mundane world. Past life regression sessions can be tiring and scary. They test your patience. I have read many articles on PLR on the internet and they are really disappointing. They don't even come close to reality. I dislike this approach as it gives in to skepticism. Anyone, who has little doubts about Past lives may actually get their doubts confirmed. These articles usually either have too good to be true or vague experiences. Half of them are commercial in nature. I want to clear in this article that PAST LIVES DO EXIST. Also, that it you can be contacted by your lovers of the past life whether that person is in a mortal form or not. This usually happens during a "Neptune Transit" to your personal planets and to your

Understanding Synastry and Stelliums

Synastry is the subject that deals with your relationship with the other. The other can be anyone your lover, husband, sister, brother, mother or father. Planets change their roles as per the relationship. But one thing that you need to keep in mind while you read the house overlays is that the house person is the giver. It simply means that the planet opens the lock of that particular house's energy. The planet can be a welcome key or a pestering key but it will always be the key and never the lock. Planets in your fourth house open your deepest emotional core, so a mars there will inflict a frustrating wound. Pluto would inflict deeper psychological trauma. Venus your need to have a luxurious home with the other. Moon is most comfortable here, so you both can live "happily ever after" with deep emotional bonding if other aspects permit. Saturn will be the old father Williams who will restrict your movement and will bring stagnancy along with stability. Mercury wi

February 2017 Monthly Horoscope

Hey, guys I am starting it again. Every month, a horoscope article for all 12 zodiac signs. So, don't forget to subscribe and log in to my blog. Besides this, there is one more great news coming... my book Scorpio man love, lust and obsession will be out in around 2 weeks. All those who were waiting for the copy, will be able to buy it online. But for now, let's start this exciting month with your horoscopes. Aries : Mars and Venus fire up your first house, time to take challenges head-on. You will have love and sex on your mind. Otherwise, you will put your sexual energy in your quests and will be able to successfully challenge Usain Bolt this month.  Sun brings in unusual, innovative and young contacts through electronic mediums that might help you ascend social ladder.  Taurus : Mars and Venus in your 12th house are not such a good news. You will be putting your zeal to rest. It will be time to do some charity, visit hospitals or recharge your energy through yog

Asteroid Psyche In Your Natal Chart

Psyche conjunct Pluto makes a good criminal psychologist, occultist, astrologer, black magician. The house where it falls tells about the place where this skill will find an outlet. Psyche conjunct Neptune makes a good artist, story-teller, magician, healer, spiritual guru and clairvoyant.  Psyche conjunct Uranus makes a good scientist, inventor, computer expert, breakthrough visionary and a revolutionary.  Psyche conjunct Saturn makes a good judge, disciplinarian, teacher, leader and iron worker. These people rise on their own in their lives with their own vision and intellect. Psyche conjunct Jupiter makes a good administrator, businessman, philosopher, teacher of spiritual pursuits and knowledgeable about languages and their origin. Psyche conjunct Mars makes a good warrior, leader, military commander, sportsstar, sportsteam captain an expert fighter. It also makes a intuitive, spontaneous military leader, martian sportstar, fighter who is a self-taught

How to Read A Composite To Natal Aspect To Know If You Have Found The One

Perfect Chemistry: Perfect Synastry or Perfect Composite? A relationship lasts not just because of synastry. It lasts not just because of the composite. It lasts because of a good synastry between the composite and natal charts. It ends because of the lack of contacts between natal and composite. To simplify, it is essential to know how each person views, feels and expects from the relationship. If the expectation of each person are different than the other person then it will not be possible for him or her continue with the relationship. I come across with many people who have a good synastry, good composite but the relationship never manifests into that good. Sometimes, some people have an average synastry or average composite or both yet it takes off in a good way. The main reason is that each person here is happy the influence the relationship is having on their individual lives. Like a synastry planet is a permanent transit, the composite planets can also be ca

Dejanira in Houses and In Synastry : Love Victim, Damsel In Distress Or Adventurer?

Dejanira getting sexually assaulted by Nessus A few days ago I published an article on Dejanira and promised to give more details about her role in our natal chart and synastry.   In a natal chart she represents a place where we can get victimized, sign shows the reason or channel of victimization . In synastry, she can reveal where and how we can get victimized. So, let's take a look: Dejanira in Ist house natal: This person is a victim of aggression, his/her own personal will and action. It is likely that this person suffers "personal abuse", she/he may appear to be a victim or magnet and attract attention of sexual abusers. This person may go through an abuse on "body, face and/or mind". Deja in Ist house synastry: The house person views the Deja person as a potential magnet or victim for directing his/her aggression, personal will and action. The house person may also be attracted to the body of the deja person or looks of the deja per

Asteroid Dejanira: The Victim, The Magnet In Natal and Synastry

The damsel in distress, Dejanira was the wife of Hercules. I've mentioned it in my previous article. Dejanira wanted to cross the river, a centaur known as Nessus offered to help as he would ferry people from one end to another. In the middle of the journey, he lost his control and began to force himself on Deja. Her husband Hercules killed him with a poisonous arrow. However, the dying Nessus manipulated the insecure Deja to make Hercules wear his bloody coat to make him loyal to her. She took the coat and made Hercules wear it which led to his death. Nessus represents lust out of control. He is passionate like Pluto but wild like Mars. To say, he is a combination of both. He is untamed, aggressive and deeply manipulative. Dejanira is naive, innocent, vulnerable, attractive, magnetizing and feminine. This makes her a victim. In your natal chart, Dejanira will symbolize the place where you will be victimized. The sign will show the reason of victimization or channel of vict

Going Through Pluto Conjunct Descendant Transit? Watch this Video!

Many of my clients who come for consultation to me are sick of this transit. They hate Pluto on their descendant. They simply want to pass through it without the gut-wrenching process this planet of transformation puts them through. Of course the stakes are high, but Pluto transiting through your 7th house especially now being in Capricorn is for strengthening you. He means you open yourself to universal energy, allow free flow of your best abilities and let the Karma do the rest. Reiki is the energy of Pluto known as Lord Shiva or Mahadev in India.  Reiki is the universal energy endless which cannot be phantomed. It is neither born nor can die. It is that energy that resides in the 7 chakras of your body and connects you to the universe. For many this may not seem connected to the transit. How is a planet actually god? What exactly is this? I have reason to connect Pluto to Lord Shiva and Reiki. A few years ago, I was going through a different type of Pluto transit . I am a considera

Nodes of The Moon: Your Past Life Talents, Love And Present Life's Duty

Most people wonder why the nodes of the moon are considered to be so important in natal, synastry and composite charts. There is an argument that nodes are imaginary points and not real bodies. Still, in a natal chart they can be the biggest players. They carry more information than personal planets or points at times. The nodal axis is the axis of your life path. It actually is your road map, a script of your motivations, existence and goals along with your yearnings. In many cultures, both the South Node and North Node are considered to be bad or evil. However, if you read ancient texts written by some of the astrologers belonging to the same culture, you may find real answers. In western astrology, North Node is your destiny of the current life or future while South Node is the past life or early life full of presumptions and safety needs. In a way, NN is more adventurous while SN is the safe home that dreads adventure. But NN is the adventure you must undertake to move forwa

Transiting Pluto Conjunct Descendant Part-2

Pluto looking at Persephone Last post on the same topic was about who will enter your life and how it will be. This one will be about how your life will be once this person is in your life. Also, about what if you have "Plutonians" coming and going out of life? Will it be good or bad or ugly or a mix of all? Pluto is in Capricorn and I must say it is the most brutal Pluto. It is also the most rewarding for those who want to do that "big transformation". When it hits your descendant, he will bring those opportunities. However, what most of the time, we don't note is Pluto is a name of god. He may be evil as per some. But god is not evil. Evil is not god. Transformation is the ultimate truth. It is a law of the universe. Change is constant and only "change is permanent". While some of you, may suffer an intense heartbreak. Others will use this power to climb up the ladder. Pluto will bring only plutonic partners and only these partners will he