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Review by a reader- Testimonial

Scorpio Man Love, Lust, and ObsessionScorpio Man Love, Lust, and Obsession by Nikita Gharat
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I think she has described, the Scorpio man point blank. What I liked is the fact that she has elaborated the Scorpio stare.

She let's the girl in love with a Scorpio man distinguish between love and lust. It is true that Scorpio men are known for the loyalty but they can also be brutal heartbreakers. This book helps in finding out whether you are with a keeper or breaker. Also, there are additional chapters such as Scorpio man and eros signs, which help in knowing "what triggers the particular scorpio man".

The book has detailed insight, I loved reading it. Recommended for those in love with a Scorpio man and also for those who are Scorpio themselves.

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How to Look Young and Beautiful with Fruit and Vegetable Juices

To start a healthy day it is important to eat healthy in the morning. Your energy level depends on what you have for the breakfast. It is essential to have a well nourished and healthy food to look young, beautiful and fit. A good way to start your day is with a glass of vegetable or fruit juice to clean the intestine and also energize your body. Vegetable juices help in detoxification, improve metabolism, increase stamina and also boost the immune system. Read more:

26/11: Have We Learnt Our Lesson? May be Not!

Today, two years have passed post 26/11 and we are where we were two years back. It is painful and it is frustrating that the biggest terror attacks did not teach us anything. Our chief minister forgot that the national anthem was playing and  that he was supposed to stand till it got over.  Two years back after the massacre ended; Vilasrao Deshmukh had gone to visit the Taj officially along with star son Riteish and director Ram Gopal Varma. This had cost him his post but Prithviraj Chavan has already replaced Adarsh Scam fame Ashok Chavan. So, with whom will the Congress replace Prithviraj Chavan? They are suffering from the lack of clean men, therefore, are in a big fix.  Two years back Pakistan was not accepting the hand of their pet Cobras namely: 1) the ISI and 2) LeT  in this gruesome massacre despite of repeated pleas from our country; Two years later they have still not accepted it. Two years back there was no security in the public places, two years later the situatio

If we save the tigers, we'll save the planet

By Leonardo DiCaprio and Carter S. Roberts Tigers have long provoked awe in the human imagination, becoming symbols of untamed nature whose "fearful symmetry," in the words of William Blake, has inspired everything from art to advertising. In the wild, however, tigers are on the verge of disappearing. Read the Entire Post here

The PISCES Woman By Linda Goodman - 2

First of all, she's subtle. Ask Nicky Hilton, Michael Wilding, Eddie Fisher and Richard Burton-each of whom married a Pisces. As a matter of fact, the same Pisces. She is not only subtle, she's sometimes a bit deceptive when she practices her art of wrapping you around her emerald ear rings. Now, you may know a Neptune lady who wears a ging ham apron and a shy smile, and who is the epitome of the devoted wife, homemaker and tender mother. You're think ing that she's neither subtle nor deceptive. Forgive my di rectness, but you are wrong. As for that Pisces lady you think is different, I know her, too, or one just like her. She's a widow who lives in the Bronx, and her name is Pauline. She also wears a gingham apron and a shy smile -the whole setup. How can such a Fannie Farmer image be subtle or deceptive? I'll tell you. First of all, she wraps everyone around her apron strings. (She doesn't have any emerald earrings. Next year, maybe.) She&#

The PISCES Woman By Linda Goodman - 1

'Well,  what  are you?" said the Pigeon. "I can see you're trying to invent something!" "I-I'm a little girl," said Alice, rather doubtfully. She found herself at last in a beautiful garden, among the bright flower-beds and the cool fountains. The line forms to the right. And please don't crowd. There may not be enough Pisces women for every man, but that's no reason to be unruly. You'll have to take your turn, and hope for the best. Even without astrology, rumors have spread about the charms of a Pisces female. She has her negative points, to be sure, but at first glance she's every man's grade school valentine, with maybe just a touch of a Playboy bunny to add some pepper. We might as well admit that the modern, emancipated woman, with her cast-iron image, has made the Pisces girl's value shoot even higher. With all that free dom from the feminine mystique clouding the air over lover's lane, the demure, pretty, helple

The SCORPIO Man by Linda Goodman

And her eyes immediately met those of a large, blue caterpillar that was sitting on the top with its arms folded, quietly smoking a long hookah . . . The caterpillar and Alice looked at each other in silence, If you're in love with a Scorpio male and the word passion frightens you, put on your track shoes and run as if King Kong were pursuing you. He is. I'm not speaking of romantic passion alone, though that may be at the head of the list. I also refer to pas sionate intensity about politics, work, friendship, religion, food, relatives, children, clothing, life, death and any other categories you can think up. A Scorpio man is not exactly what your psyche needs if you're repelled by emotional excess. Don't look back. Just run. You'll think I've taken leave of my senses if you've just met that particular Pluto person. He's so calm and steady. How could anyone with such obvious self-control be passionate, let alone dangerously so?

The SCORPIO Man by Linda Goodman - 2

Pluto people can have either a Sunday School teacher horror of sin, an attitude which produces intensely dedi cated evangelistic religious leaders, like Billy Graham, or they can be driven by curiosity to penetrate every dark corner of the human mystery. Sometimes, both attitudes are combined, resulting in the hypocrisy or self-delusion of an Elmer Gantry or a Reverend Davidson in  Rain. Every Scorpio is a law unto himself, and completely un concerned with what others think of him. He would like to be respected as a good, solid citizen, but if it interferes with any of his intense ideas or goals, then he couldn't care less, and those who gossip can just go to the place Pluto rules. None of his important decisions are hampered by the opinions of his friends, relatives, neighbors or enemies. I'm sorry to say, not even by you. Don't run away yet. Such beautiful self-containment and sureness of purpose can create a mighty attractive, free spirit who's not always fussi

How to win a Scorpio back after you have hurt him

Jeffrey Kishner Scorpio men do not take kindly to being hurt. Scorpios hold on to resentments as tightly as a sphincter holds on to water. A fixed water sign, he is stubborn when it comes to emotions. Scorpios don’t trust easily in the first place, because they are all too aware of how one can be wounded in intimate relationships. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet that digs deep into experience, rooting out secrets and suppressed memories. Pluto is associated with manipulation and abuse of power. The Scorpio man is well-acquainted with the methods of torture used in the Underworld, and hence does not like to be on the receiving end of such barbaric techniques. Even though the Scorpio man does not let go easily of his resentments, his zodiac sign is also the most transformative. Pluto rules the death-rebirth process. Scorpios hold tight, but they also periodically become devoured by the flames of regeneration. As he rises from the ashes, your Scorpio man will have let go of

What does a Scorpio man want in a woman?

Jeffery Kisner Scorpio man seeks woman who can keep a secret, stay faithful. Must have high sex drive, and must never ever look at another man (or woman, for that matter). Extra points if you have a healthy respect for privacy. Willingness to merge assets a plus — bringing along debts may be a dealbreaker. You should have completed a full round of psychoanalysis first, and know your dark side well — I don’t want to be your therapist, and I’d rather you have thoroughly examined yourself before I dig up all your skeletons. Tolerance for witnessing emotional extremes and black moods is a necessity. If you want to be possessed, I’m your man. Follow @aishwaryasweet Watch Out for the Book  SCORPIO MAN: LOVE, LUST AND OBSESSION BY NIKITA GHARAT   It is live now on Amazon and Kindle! Anyone who writes a verified review of the book gets a  3- Aspect Love Compatibility reading  for FREE!

What Attracts a Scorpio Woman? Fulfill Her Fantasies by Having This 5 Tempting Qualities

Mark J Hamilton Scorpio women ooze with sexual aura and confidence. A Scorpio woman was born as a seductress and their piercing and smoldering eyes never fail to attract a typical male any time of the day. They love strong men and they make pretty passionate lovers --- loving a Scorpio woman is one hell of the ride and your bedroom sessions will always be far from boring. So what exactly attracts a Scorpio woman? Do you have what it takes to capture the heart of this free-spirited, wild siren? Here are the five qualities you should have to tempt the female Scorpion:  Strong personality.  A true blue alpha male --- this kind of man will always be more appealing and charming to a Scorpio woman. They love a man who knows what he wants and will stop at nothing to get them. Being extremely passionate, a Scorpio woman finds danger very attractive --- and will effortlessly play with fire. So expect a very intense and exhilarating relationship once you've captured her heart. Oozing wit

Scorpio And Cancer Love Match - Are They Long Lasting and Passionate?

BY D. RAJA Cancer Man & Scorpio Woman Love Match In a Scorpio and Cancer Love Match in which the woman is Scorpio and the man is Cancer, he proves that he will give all his dedication to his partner while she would return it with unchallenged loyalty and love. Without a doubt, there will be a few hidden surprises in the way; pleasant of course. Both Cancers and Scorpio's can both be tremendously attracted to each other. To begin with, the chemistry in regards to physicality would be enough to brighten enough lights to power New York City for a whole year. The sessions of kissing will be fantastic, and it will get even better as time passes on. The male would stick by the woman and devote his whole life to her just in order to make her feel like a special lady. He will satisfy her needs for security, and she will discover herself sitting down and relaxing whilst he takes the weight off her shoulders. He will take care of her in a match that will definitely make them both fee