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Review by a reader- Testimonial

Scorpio Man Love, Lust, and ObsessionScorpio Man Love, Lust, and Obsession by Nikita Gharat
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I think she has described, the Scorpio man point blank. What I liked is the fact that she has elaborated the Scorpio stare.

She let's the girl in love with a Scorpio man distinguish between love and lust. It is true that Scorpio men are known for the loyalty but they can also be brutal heartbreakers. This book helps in finding out whether you are with a keeper or breaker. Also, there are additional chapters such as Scorpio man and eros signs, which help in knowing "what triggers the particular scorpio man".

The book has detailed insight, I loved reading it. Recommended for those in love with a Scorpio man and also for those who are Scorpio themselves.

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Asteroid DNA 55555 in Signs

Asteroid DNA 55555 means the traits that you inherited from your ancestors and/or parents. Something that you got inside you and that's there in your genes. It also means the traits that you will pass on to your kids and coming generations. In synastry, this means that you would like to pass on your genes through the other person. Your cultural beliefs and heritage as well as talents feel the need to attach to the planet or angle person. Let's see how asteroid DNA works in your natal chart: Asteroid DNA in signs 1. **Aries (March 21 - April 19)**: In the fiery domain of Aries, Asteroid DNA 55555 ignites a fierce determination to express one's genetic potential fearlessly. Individuals born under this sign are spurred to pioneer new paths, harnessing their genetic gifts with unwavering courage. 2. **Taurus (April 20 - May 20)**: Taurus, steadfast and grounded, embodies the essence of DNA 55555 by nurturing and cultivating genetic talents with patience and perseverance. Under ...

Mazhya Muline kelela Marathi Chinese Fried Rice with Maggi Cubes

काल, नाश्त्यासाठी, मी माझ्या मुलीला व्हेज फ्राईड राइस बनवायला सांगितले. पण साहित्य गहाळ होते. त्यामुळे ती मराठी स्टाईल चायनीज फ्राईड राईस बनवणार असल्याचे तिने मला सांगितले.  तिने मटार उकळून आदल्या रात्रीचा कोलम भात वापरला. आमच्याकडे शेझवान चटणी, सोया सॉस आणि चिली सॉस होता. आमच्याकडे मॅगीचे क्यूब्स पण होते. या सगळ्याचा वापर करून तिने अवघ्या ५-१० मिनिटांत मराठी चायनीज फ्राईड राईस बनवला. ती रेसिपी मी यूट्यूबवर अपलोड केली आहे. तुम्ही ते पाहू शकता. माझ्या चॅनेलवर पहा : Mee Dadarkar

8th house synastry part-2

Asteroids in 8th house synastry Those who read the first part of this article of 8th house synastry are hungry enough for the second part. I received such huge response for the first article that this one had to come. In fact, I'm thinking of publishing a book on Amazon. But for now, for my valuable readers, clients and subscribers, this one is here. I already mentioned in the first article that the planet person is drawn to the 8th house person for the mystery. However, he or she may not reside their permanently. But the 8th house person may not want the planet person to leave.  The planet person is compelled to stay only if there is a strong conjunction to his/her personal planets or rulers of important angles/cusps. This doesn't mean that the planet person feels nothing. It simply means he/she can choose to leave. But if he or she is caught in the mystery game of the 8th house person then he/she may never leave or be able to do so. This is the reason why most planet people f...

Nessus Conjunct Planets in Natal Chart

Nessus is the ID, the indolent child who just lives on instincts. He uses all manipulation techniques to get what he wants. So, what does it mean when he combines with your natal planets? Beg, borrow or steal in love, war, career and desires is his motto. Only good aspects to Saturn, Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter control him. Nessus Conjunct Sun: Overambitious father, patriarch,Manipulative father, a seasoned politician, obsessive drama king. Personal power that can destroy any political power or authority to establish one's superiority. A person who goes to any length to acquire his desire. Untamed use of personal power, authority, manipulation and obsession to achieve uncontrolled desire.  Nessus Conjunct Moon: Overambitious mother, maternal family, matriarch, manipulative mother, emotional manipulator. Emotional power that can destroy any political power or authority to establish one's superiority. Untamed use of emotional power, smothering, manipulation and obsession to achie...

Types of Cooking Jobs at Restaurants

The restaurant is a vast industry in the world in the present scenario. Every individual working in this has to spend long hours and of course with a lot of stress, but still many of the youngsters wish to enter into this industry. To run a hotel kitchen, the person should have a strong leadership quality and organizational skill who will be in a position to make the show successful. Entering the restaurant job is quite easy for the low positions even working as an assistant will be of a good help depending on the type of restaurant you are working. The salary is excellent depending on the position you are working, and with good effort and experience one can also acquire the position of the head chef in due course.  Master Chef/ Head Chef:   The head chef manages the entire kitchen and is the main cook of the restaurant. He has to look after the persons working in the kitchen, food preparations, expenses incurred and the removal of waste. He also has to look after the new...

Get ready to step in Style during the Monsoons

Hola Chicas, YAY, Its Raining!I feel like going out and getting wet but the question is what to wear ? It is really hard to find out what to wear during the Monsoons. Although, I love Mumbai rains very much, but one thing that worries me a lot is finding the right clothes to wear during this season. After pondering through my wardrobe, I have made my own style list that I would like to share with you all. 1. Get Flirty in the Rains  Rains are the times to flaunt your skirts having tiny hemlines with pride. It is the right time to flirt when the cold breeze is flowing and everywhere there is pleasant aroma of wet soil. Isn't it the perfect outfit to wear and step out with your pals for an outing in the rains. 2. Drain pipe jeans to amp up the fashion meter When it is pouring like Cats and dogs, you want to look stylish without getting messy. Then the drain pipe jeans are the best form of dressing for such a day. You can teem them up...

Visit Edinburgh: Lovely Timeless

Scotland is a country well-known for its imperial grandeur. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. The capital city offers both pristine locations and a sophisticated urban center. It is a country where nature and technological advances collide amicably. Most of the time Urban families and couples wish to spend holidays at a place that has historical, environmental and cultural importance. As per the tourism industry sources, Edinburgh is about to break all tourism records and targets that are assigned by the global tourism industry experts in 2012. In the year 2013, the Scotland capital saw an unmatched in flow of tourists. This has made the target for the year 2022 look like a piece of cake.  The capital boasts of ancient churches, cathedrals and the unforgettably exotic Edinburgh castle.  Along with these, tourists are also finding the lush gardens, undulating beaches, scenic river, wildlife and unique European landscapes to be other major attractions.  A visit to the R...